Movement therapy

Type of psychotherapy using movement and dance to explore the emotions in our bodies and move any pain or illness to work through our own journey and promote positive healing.

Nature therapy

Type of psychotherapy that encourages you to immerse yourself in nature. Evidence shows that within 15 minutes there are benefits of improved stress levels, lower heart rate and improved blood pressure.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Understanding our thought patterns, then shifting our negative patterns to relieve symptoms. CBT can assist in problem solving skills and increase coping mechanisms. We usually complete through talking and/or worksheets.

Sensory Modulation

Using our senses to help our nervous system regulate itself. This would normally involves some sensory exploration sessions and at times an assessment or sensory profile, then working out which sensory items or activities are helpful and incorporating them into your day or toolkit.


Life can be extra demanding and travelling to appointments to focus on your health can add to this. Ocean road occupational therapy offers telehealth appointments when requested to allow you to have more time for other important things in life and to practice skills we’ve been working on in your own environments. * Note there are some Medicare requirements for telehealth location so we may need to confirm this prior to booking.


A safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences with a professional who aims to operate as a sounding board or non-judgemental witness to your journey.

Explain Pain

This process explores how pain experiences are constructed within the body and how we can treat pain in a new way. A process created by Butler and Moseley, the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute Australasia.

Fatigue Management

We will explore how fatigue is impacting your daily life and review different techniques such as pacing your activities so that you are able to life the life that you desire.


Occupational therapists can complete assessments to explore individuals’ function in different aspects of their daily life. The assessments can be helpful for applying for funding or as a baseline for therapy sessions.

  • Sensory Profile
  • Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
  • Functional capacity assessments


Endometriosis Group Program -6 weeks

Endometriosis Group ProgramOnline 6 week program with peer support and practical tools to help you live your best life. The program will cover; pacing and planning, alternative pain management, looking after our sensory system, environmental impact, and exploring each other’s best survival tips. Living with a chronic condition can be challenging and costly. The rate is significantly reduced to aim to have less financial pressure, with the benefit of occupational therapy support. The cost is $180 for whole the program, which can be paid upfront or weekly. The program will run via zoom and be recorded in case you have to miss a week. If you would like to know the full program outline please email me, alternatively please Book now and I will send you your registration form. Gathering interest for our next group. Starting in Mid April 2024.

Sensory Wildthings

A sensory experiential group for 0-6 year olds. This group involves movement/dance, stories and nature. Part of the group is guided and part of the time allows the children to explore the space and engage in their own sensory play. Runs for 9:30-11am on Thursdays. With a cost of $15 per child or $25 per family – register interest by email

Ballet for Balance over 50

A Ballet style movement group to assist with preventing falls and maintaining general health and wellbeing- register interest by email

Corporate Workshops

For more information on my corporate workshops see the RE.SOURCE.Live website